Saturday Services begin at 9:15 a.m.
Worship Services available in ASL.
Please visit our website for more information at http://www.lakeportsdachurch.org

Pastor Jack Buckley
Worship Service, Sunday School, and Nursery 10:30 AM SUNDAYS.
We meet for fellowship, learning, and fun between Sundays.
Visitors warmly welcomed.
Check out what is currently happening by going to our

You and your family are welcome to enjoy fun fellowship, great music,
and a life changing experience. We are your church in the Orangevale,
Folsom, Granite Bay, and northeast Sacramento areas. Christians have
more FUN! We have a *Worship Service at 11am on Sunday*, and
*Wednesday Bible Life Study at 7:30pm on Wednesday night*. You may also visit our family-based site: http://www.FightForFamily.com
We look forward to seeing you!

A new church, dedicated to Christian discipleship.
A great new home to get acquainted with loving people.

Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Upbeat music, relevant Bible teaching, children and youth ministries.
We have sports leagues and present “Reel 2 Real” Outdoor movies
program each summer.

William is interested in building a new African Orthodox Catholic Church
in the Sacramento Area and is attempting to access the level of interest in
prospective members. If you are interested, please contact Patriarch William.

Service Times:
Worship: 2:00 pm Sunday
Bible Study: 6:30 pm most Wednesdays (phone to check)
Meeting Location:
Lone Hill Church
5055 Lone Hill Road
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Pastor: Gary Wagner
Elder: Steven Loomis
Mailing Address:
1484 Pollard Road, Box 402
Los Gatos, CA 95032
phone: 408-866-5607

Pastor Bill & Karen Clements
Antelope Christian Center provides several worship services:
Sunday 9am and 11am.
Wednesdays at 7pm with free dinner at 6pm.
Antelope Christian Center includes more than 37 Children, Youth and Adult
ministry opportunities. Antelope Christian Academy is a Christian school
providing quality education for Preschool through 8th grade.
Antelope Christian Center provides FREE groceries for families in need each
Wednesday at Noon. In the past two years more than ONE MILLION meals
have been given to our community from Antelope Christian Center’s loving

Come and join us for our next Celebration service.
Expect your miracle!!
Sunday School9:30am
Morning Celebration.10:30am
Evening Celebration6:00pm
Mid Week Celebration.7:00pm
Friday Night Alive!
A Study in the Word
Youth Alive
Kingdom Kids
Meeting time.7:30pm
Visit our website for special events and for the
next scheduled Men & Women’s Meetings.