Welcome to the Boonville United Methodist Church web page.
Come in and visit leave us a note or a question. Join us for church
any Sunday at 8:15, 10:15 or 11:30 A.M. we’ll save you a seat!
Please join us as we worship our Lord and Savior every Sunday at 10am.
We also have a mid-week Bible study on Wednesdays at 6:45pm. Our services are casual and all are invited to come.
Feel free to call or e-mail for any additional information.
Please join us as we draw closer to God and worship Jesus Christ.
Acompañenos a acercarnos a Dios y a alabar a Jesucristo.All services are bilingual. Sunday school and nursery are provided for children 11 and under.
Todos los cultos son bilingues. Hay escuela dominical y guarderia para los menores de 11.
Want more of God? Come visit us!