Come join us Sunday mornings for Bible Study and Worship 9:45 a.m.
Sunday School: Come explore the Book of John with us 11:00 a.m.
Worship Service: Come worship with us and learn what it means to be
the Church
Join through out the week
Wednesday Nights at 7:00 p.m. We’re learning about prayer and putting
it into practice
Sunday School K-12 & Adult Study @ 9:00 am Sept.-June. Sunday Service is @ 10:15 am followed by fellowship time. For further details, please contact the Church office or visit our website. Our congregation also offers an after-school program, Monday – Friday that follows the local school calender.
Church In the Valley”
Route 28, across from the school
Worship at 11:00
Partnerships w/ MorningStar Ministries
and Christian & Missionary Alliance, Assembly of God, Free Methodist,
United States Strategic Prayer Network, Syracuse Airport Christian
Fellowship SACF and more.
Sunday 10:30am usuallly about 12:30pm w/ Fellowship to follow
Tuesday 6:30am Men’s Prayer
Wednesday 7pm Prayer
Friday 7pm Worship Team PracticeIntercession
Mountainside Bible Chapel Home of the Adirondack Sportsmen’s Dinner.
March 18, 2006
Fax # 315-493-0893
Meets 9:30 AM Sundays
MOPS Group meets 2nd and 4th Mondays 6:15-7:45
[email protected]
Church Email:
Second Phone Line: 508-764-7819
Service Times:
Sunday School 9:45 AM
Morning Service: 10:30 AM
Wednesday Night Service:
Prayer 6:30
Service 7:00 8:00 PM
Children’s Ministries 6:30 8:00 PM
Home Of Southbridge Chrisian Academy
Sunday School 9:30 AM
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 AM
First and Third Sundays — dinner immediately following the
morning service with second service to follow. No PM service
on first and third Sundays.
Sunday Evening 6 PM (second, fourth, and fifth Sundays)
Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 PM
We are an independent Bible believing Baptist Church.
Pastors David F. and Brenda Traynham
We are a “Full Gospel, Pentecostal” church.
In ministry over 20 years
We are a non denominational church with a desire to minister to the heart of God.
h4>We are located in the heart of Lake Placid on the shores of Mirror Lake.
Sunday Service times are at 8AM & 10:30AM with Youth Group Services
at 6PM & 7 PM. Our doors are open daily for prayer and meditation.