Where people from all denominations meet in their differences, but are
one in their search for God.”

[email protected]
Sermons in audio and text, photo album, activities

Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday 5:30p.m. & 7:00p.m.In Spanish
Sunday 9:00a.m. & 11:30a.m.
Office hours: M-Th 9:00a.m. 3:30 p.m.

Saturday Nights @ 6:30 Verse by Verse.
Simply teaching the Bible Simply.
Please visit our website or contact us at [email protected].

We are a Southern Baptist Church with a heart for missions.

We also have an inner city ministry with a 12 month live-in disciplship/rehab
program called The Lazarus Project. The web site is rchopecenter.com.

Southern Baptist. An active member of the Southern Baptist Convention
and active member of the West Cullman Baptist Convention.
Please see listing under Alabama Christian Counselors.

Fullervill Mission has over 20 community outreach ministries.A number of these
ministries are set up for church groups to join in and help. A new ministry
http://www.servant4God.com is a great way for anyone to reach out and give to others.

Come worship with us
Sunday Schedule
9:45am Sunday School
10:50am Morning Worship
6:00pm Evening Worship
7:00pm Bible Study, Youth, and children
for a map to our church

Oak Ridge Baptist Church Ministries
Sunday School 10:00am age-graded
Worship Service 11:00am
Sunday Evening 6:00pm
Adult Bible Study 7:00pm
Children’s AWANA 6:45pm
Teen CrossTraining 7:00pm
Nursery and programs provided for all ages of Children.
We would love to meet your needs or the needs of your family. Our
ministries target married and single adults, teenagers, and children.
We have a vibrant and active ministry with a place for you to fit in.
Come join us!
Main Church Site : http://www.orbc4u.org
Teen Ministry Site

Real People Serving a Real God. Contemporary Casual Worship.
Small Groups meet throughout the City.

Worship at 8:30am and 11:00 am. Breakfast at 9:30 am.
Sunday School for all ages at 10:00 am.
ON 5th Sunday we have one combined service at 10:45 am.

Ofrecemos un lugar de adoracion para toda la familia.
We offer a place of worship for the entire family.
Somos Bilingue