Services: Sunday 10:30AM-11AM Fellowship
11AM-12PM Worship
6PM-8PM Group time
Wednesday 6:45PM-8PM Group time
We are a contemporary fellowship of Christians. Our core values are:
building new relationships, growing in the promises of God, and
becoming a true family. We invite you to be our special guest any Sunday.
Visit our website to find out all our upcoming events. May the Lord bless
you and keep you,
Pastor, Brian J. Coleman
Sunday Worship Services: 10:30am & 6:30pm.
Wednesday Prayer Service: 7:00pm
Youth Service: Fridays at 7:30pm
Also, listen to the servics LIVE at
8:30 traditional worship
10:45 contemporary worship
9:30 gathering for all ages including high energy
“Jesus Rocks” for ages pre-k 5th grade
Also visit our pre-school
Come and receive a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit to empower your life!
Service Times:
Sunday @ 6pm
Wednesday @ 7pm
Watch “Walking With The Holy Spirit” with Pastor Beik each
Saturday @ 2pm on SuperChannel 55 or on-line at
Communion every first Sunday @ First African Missionary Baptist Church
Pastor Rev. B.T. Smith
Chairman Dea. William Banks
Superintendent Sis. Karen Grover
“Eagle’s View exist for the purpose of helping people grow in their
relationship with Christ”.
Life Church Jacksonville Sharing Gods Ways and Word for Everyday Life.
Receive from God’s Spirit and get biblical answers with real life application.
Dress is casual, music is contemporary, with lots of fun Kid’s Stuff.
If you are looking to gather with Christians the way the first century Christians did
open meetings, community life, no clergy, Christ-centered, then come visit us!
We are a non-denominational, evangelical fellowship of believers
worshiping together. We believe that salvation of sinners is wholly
by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, in view of His
redemptive work on the cross, which is made available to all.
Sunday Worship 10:00 AM
Sunday School 9:00 AM
Wednesday 7:00 PM
Pastor: David Hogg
Youth Pastor: Wheeler Newman