SBC is a Southern Baptist Church. We have two services. The early 8 AM
service is a more traditional type service and the 10:45 service is more
contemporary with a band. Please join us as we worship the Lord!

Alternate church web address: candlestickbaptist.com

Welcome To The Daisetta United Pentecostal Church
Praise the Lord and Welcome!
We are a Bible Believing Assembly founded on the principles taught and
exampled by Jesus Christ and the Apostles he commisioned to carry his word
to the world.
Please stop by, you’re a visitor at first and if you keep coming you can become
a part of the family!
Physical Address:
505 Utah St
Daisetta, TX -0130
Pastor Phone: 936 334-1077
General Questions
Pastor [email protected]
[email protected]

Holy Angels is a dynamic mission congregation of the ELCA located in
Sugar Land, TX. Dedicated to providing a healing influence to our local
community while creating disciples who create disciples for Jesus.

Presbyterian Church USA
Sat Service 6:00pm Casual/Contemporary
Sun Service 9:15am Contemporary/Family
Sun Service 11:00am Traditional

Located in the Greenspoint area of North Houston. Worship Services
Sunday 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Christian Enrichment Sunday 10 a.m &
Tuesday 7 p.m.

Stop! Look no further. We are what you have been waiting for. A church on the move for Christ. A new church with a new beginning. Come an be apart of our family.