Additional e-mail address is: [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you!
God bless you,
Pastors Chris and Esther Sanchious
“Where God Guides, He Provides”
A community of God’s people, nurtured in the love of Jesus Christ, supporting
each other and reaching out to the world beyond. Sunday Worship Schedule
Children’s Choir 09:30 a.m.
Youth Choir 09:30 a.m.
Adult Sunday School 09:30 a.m.
Children’s Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Youth Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Chancel Choir. 10:30 a.m.
Worship 11:00 a.m.
Children infant-5th grade
Youth 6th 12th grade
At Covenant Christian Church we celebrate God’s love by offering:
An accepting and welcoming environment to all people
Refreshing, moving, and joyful worship with open Communion
Programs to nurture faith development
Focused and coordinated outreach/service opportunities
A variety of fellowship activities for all ages
Covenant is a progressive church, affiliated with other
congregations in the Triangle through
A purpose Driven Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 AM
Wednesday Night Bible Class 7:00 PM
You are welcomed!
The whole message for the whole world.
Faith Tabernacle Ministry is a family of believers equipped with
the Word of God. We are dedicated to preaching and teaching the
Word of God that will allow one to be strengthened and to progress
in the areas where they are weak. We are dedicated to building a
stronger family unit. We are dedicated to strengthening our youths
to insure their ability to be overcomers in this life. We are striving
to come against those principalities that are assigned to this city,
state and nation. We walk in the love and the anointing of God to
win the lost, disciple them, and to equip them to achieve what God
has destined for their lives.
Church Services:
Sunday School 9:45am 10:45am
Worship Services: 11:00am Every Sunday
Men’s & Women’s Bible Study 2nd Monday 7:00pm
Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00pm
Faith Tabernacle Ministry
“Where Lives Are Transformed By The Word Of God
Elder David Foster, Pastor
Please visit our website for more
information and directions to our church.
Sunday Worship Services:
Sunday school begins 9:45 am
Worship/Praise: 10:50 am
Nursery Provided
Wednesday Fellowship:
Youth/Children/Adult classes: 7:00 pm
Nursery Provided
At Cornerstone everyone is someone and Jesus is everything. Our prayer is that
you know Him as your personal Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We would like to
invite you to be our special guest at any of our services.
Sunday Worship 9:00 AM
Sunday School 10:00
Pastor Henry Cox and 1st lady Marth Cox
Sunday school – 1st, 3rd, 4th, Sun 9:45 AM
Pastoral Sunday – 2nd Sunday 11:15 AM
Mission Sunday – 4th Sunday 11:45 AM
Prayer meeting / Bible study alternating
Wednesday night 7:30 PM
Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00am
Worship Service every Sunday at 11:00am
Adult & Youth Bible Study held Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:30pm
We are located on Hwy 42 near the intersection with Hwy 70, in the same building as Papa Johns. We have awesome children’s programs, encouraging messages, a warm congregation all in a warm and welcoming environment. Come see for yourself this Sunday!
“A Worshipping Church, A Caring People
Church that makes a Difference!”
Join us Sunday at 10am for Worship Service.
Call for additional service times!
Sunday school, 10 a.m. Sunday Worship, 11 a.m.
1st Tuesday of the month, Taize worship, 6 p.m.