Sunday worship service is from 10:00 AM to Noon. We have a pot-luck lunch on the first Sunday of each month following our worship service that includes Holy Communion.
Wednesday Lunch Hour Prayer – bring your lunch and join us for prayer from 12:15 to 12:45PM
We hold a night of prayer & worship on the Second Saturday of each month that begins at 7Pm and has no official end time – you may come and go as needed.
On the last Saturday of each month we hold an evening prayer time in East Contra Costa County, locations vary, so contact the church for details.
Ap. Todd Cataldo – Founder/Local Pastor, oversees international churches
Ap. Julie Austin – Founder/Worship Pastor, oversees Concord Branch of College for Global Deployment
Gerald Bates – Treasurer
Pastor Wandera Dickson – Head Pastor of New Nation Church International, Kampala, Uganda/oversees congregations & new congregation development in Uganda
Pastor Alex Sokiri – Head Pastor of New Nation Church International, Juba, South Sudan – oversees congregations in Wudu, South Sudan & Mondikolok, South Sudan and new congregation development in South Sudan as well other ministies of the church including New Nation Nursery School and New Nation Primary School in Wudu and the Kajo Keji County Prison Ministry.