Our worship services are held every Sunday at 12pm inside the Raleigh Springs
Mall suite 3440. Our times for Prayer and Bible Study Wednesday Word are
held inside the same location on Wednesdays starting at 6pm for Prayer and 7pm
for Bible Study. Come as you are but leave encouraged!
We also have a daily call in radio program listen live on the web http://www.1090kaay.com
We are a group of Christians striving the serve the Lord in the Lord’s way!

Visit our website for more information and our pastor’s
blog at http://www.tonyvhammack.com
Our service times are 10:00 AM Sunday and 6:30 PM Wednesday.

Classes for all ages 9:45 A.M.
Worship 10:30 A.M.
Worship 6:00 P.M.
Wednesday: 6:00 P.M.
Summer VBS

First Praise Contemporary 8:30 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
First Worship Traditional 11:00 am
Servicio in Espanol 4:00 pm