We are a non-denominational church with contemporary worship.
We have an awesome children’s program called AdventureQuest, and
a variety of Adult Bible Fellowship classes to fit people in all life stages.

The Denver Seventh Day Baptist Church in Lakewood, Colorado sponsors
the Fishermen’s Net Web Library at http://www.seventhdaybaptist.net/fishnet

A caring church with the purpose to relate people to Jesus Christ,
equip them to serve, and release them to minister.

Affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America http://www.efca.org.

We are a 101 year old Parish of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church in
America. Our Parish has ministered for over a century to the Romanian,
Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian Communities of Denveras well as to
Bulgarian, Greek and Macedonian families. We also include dozens of
families of Western European and African Descent.
We are a traditional canonical Orthodox Parish in Communion with all of
the Patriarchates of the Eastern Orthodox Church and of the Bishop of
the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in America.

A nondemoninational church using contemporary music and the arts.
Located in the Briargate area of Colorado springs.

You don’t have to be a religious person to be a Christian? Seriously!
God did not send Jesus to make us religious. Learn how to avoid the
prison of religion and live in the freedom of Christ! We are currently
broadcasting LIVE every Sat. night at 6:00 pm MST / 8:00 pm EST
at http://www.cyberchurch.tv

At The River our committment is to create an environment where people
are valued and always leave feeling encouraged. We desire to help connect
you and your family relationally to others and to God. If you are looking
for a place to belong, a place to find healing, a place to get involved or a
place to grow, maybe it’s time for The River.

Church on the Rock is a warm, friendly charismatic Christian church
that emphasizes worship, covenant relationship, and the fulfillment of
each person’s individual destinty in Jesus Christ.

A healthy, well-balanced Charismatic church with contemporary worship.
Dr. Michael R. Mitchell Pastor. Service at 11:45 am Sundays.